Banana Bash 2021: Official Banana Shire Australia Day Celebrations
Banana Bash 2021: Official Banana Shire Australia Day Celebrations
On January 26 Banana Shire residents are invited to come together to reflect, respect and celebrate – because we’re all part of the story. The 2021 Banana Shire Australia Day Celebrations and Official Ceremony will be hosted by the Banana Community at the Banana Sports and Recreation Grounds. Please note the venue is called 'Banana Head Station Racecourse' in Google maps.
Schedule of Events
10:00am: Gates Open
- Food and drinks available for purchase
- Licensed Bar operating
- Photo Competition Display
- Emergency Services Displays
- Model Aero Club Display
- Live Music
- 5th Battalion Light Horse Brigade Demonstration
- Aussie novelty games
- Kids water activities
- Callide Valley Auto Club Display
11:00am: 7-A-Side Cricket Competition Commences (Download Team Entry Form)
From 12:00: BBQ
3:00pm: Official Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony
COVID Safe Event Information
The Banana Shire Australia Day Celebrations and Official Ceremony are operating under a COVID Safe Event Checklist. Specific measures in place to manage requirements will include contact tracing, physical distancing, increased hygiene practices and screening on entry.
Contact Tracing: All attendees will be required to provide contact details via QR code, an alternative method will be available where required.
Physical Distancing: Maintaining physical distancing requirements is the individuals responsibility.
Please do not attend if:
- You are unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, vomiting, diarrhoea or shortness of breath
- You have been in close contact with a person who is positive for COVID-19
- You are positive for COVID-19
- You have travelled overseas or to a declared COVID-19 Hotspot in the previous 14 days.
Assistance on the day: Please seek assistance from Banana Shire Council staff if you become unwell during the event.
More Information & Enquiries
Contact: Banana Shire Council
Phone: 4992 9500
Assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council