Rural Services and Land Management

Rural Services and Land Management
Banana Shire Council's Rural Services team manages a number of issues in the Shire including the management of Stock Routes, wandering stock, pest animals as well as pest plants.
Records Search Request
On purchasing a rural property, you may wish to search Council's records for the existence of any orders issued under the Property Search Form 2024-2025
Stock Route Network
Stock routes are pathways for traveling stock on roads, reserves, unallocated state land and pastoral leases. The following maps provide some guideance as to stock route network locations.
The administration of the Stock Route Network (SRN) is shared between local government and state governments. Local government is responsible for day-to-day management, while state government is responsible for providing the framework of legislation and policy for stock route management and support for local governments.
A permit is required to travel or agist stock on the SRN.
A permit is not required for local movements, where the travel is:
- for not more than one day; and
- in clear daylight hours; and
- for animal husbandry or property management purposes; and
- between parcels of land having common ownership or worked as a single unit.
Stock Route Grazing (Agistment) Permits
In order to graze stock on a stock route or the roadside you are required to obtain a permit from Council. These permits are generally only available during times of drought or other hardships, unless an expression of interest has been requested by Council.
A number of conditions apply and a fee is payable. Please allow at least 5 business days for processing of your permit application.
Further details may be obtained from Council or the Department of Resources.
Stock Route Travel Permits
A permit is required to travel stock on the stock route. A number of conditions apply and a fee is payable. Please allow at least 5 business days for processing of your permit application.
Further details may be obtained from Council, or the Department of Resources.
Wandering stock
Stock on the road is a major concern to Council, as they have the potential to cause traffic accidents. If you do notice stock on the road, please contact Council's Rural Services Coordinator on 0427 148 783.
Council can impound stock found wandering at large, or on private property at the request of the property owner.
Impounded stock
In order to claim impounded cattle, they must be branded with your brand or you must be able to produce some form of proof of ownership.
A fee must be paid prior to release, which will comprise of droving fees, impoundment fees, sustenance and if Council has had to advertise the impoundment, the cost of the advertisement.
If the stock are not identifiable, the animals are classified as crown property, and Council will auction them after holding them for five (5) working days.
Further details may be obtained from Council on (07) 4992 9500.
Declared Animals
The Biosecurity Act 2014 replaced the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 on 1 July 2016.
This Act lists certain invasive animals as 'prohibited' or 'restricted' and requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with invasive animals.
Foxes, rabbits, feral cats, wild dogs, feral deer and feral pigs are listed as restricted invasive animals. They must not be given away, sold or released into the environment without a permit. Foxes, dingoes and rabbits must not be kept.
These animals are targeted for control as they represent a threat to primary industries, natural resources and the environment.
Council assists in the control of invasive animals by offering:
- 1080 baiting
- a bounty on dingoes/wild dogs, foxes and feral cats; and
- hire of traps for feral cats
Biosecurity Qld have developed the fact sheets to assist you in understanding and meeting your obligations. They can be found on the Department of Aguculture and Fisheries Invasive plant and animal fact sheets page.
For more information about invasive animals and their control contact Council's Rural Services Officers on (07) 4992 9500 or visit the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.
1080 Baiting
Council usually offers rural property owners the opportunity to participate in 1080 baiting campaigns to control wild dogs and feral pigs on rural lands in the Region.
Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is a very useful pesticide for the control of pest animals and has been used throughout Australia since the early 1960s. 1080 is the most efficient, humane and species-specific pesticide currently available for declared animal control in Australia. In Queensland, 1080 is registered for use in the control of wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes and rabbits. 1080 is widely used in Australia to protect agricultural production and bative flora and fauna from the impacts of pest animals.
More comprehensive information on 1080 baiting is available on the Queensland Government Business Queensland website.
First Aid
If poisoning occurs, contact the Queensland Poisons Information Centre immediately on 131126 (poisoning advice is available Australia-wide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or seek immediate medical attention.
Dingo/Wild dog, Fox and Feral Cat Bounty
Council offers a bounty on the presentation of dingo, wild dog or fox scalps, and feral cat scalps, as an incentive towards declared pest animal control within the Shire.
Council only accepts scalps obtained from rural properties within our Shire.
Scalps must be appropriately treated and accompanied by a Bounty Bonus Payment application form.
Scalps are to be handed over to Council's Rural Service Coordinator. Call 0427 148 783 to arrange a suitable time for handover.
Feral Cat Trap Hire
Cat traps are available for hire, free of charge to assist in the management of feral cats outside township areas. An Application for Cat Trap Hire (Rural/ Commercial/ Industrial Businesses Only) Form must be completed, and conditions apply, including the humane treatment of animals. Hirers are responsible for disposing of any captured animals.
Declared Pest Plants
The Biosecurity Act 2014 replaced the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and Regulation on 1 July 2016.
Under this Act, certain invasive species of plants are listed as 'prohibited' or 'restricted'. Invasive plants are targeted for control because they have, or could have, serious economic, environmental or social impacts.
Council monitors requirements relating to invasive plants within the Shire. The most common invasive plants found within the Shire are Parthenium, Parkinsonia, Giant Rats Tail Grass, Mother of Millions, Mesquite, Rubbervine and Bellyache Bush.
The Act requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise risks associated with invasive plants under their control.
Numerous washdown facilities are available within the Shire to help remove weed seeds, soil and other foreign matter from vehicles and machines, and Council staff are available to conduct vehicle inspections.
Biosecurity Qld have developed the fact sheets to assist you in understanding and meeting your obligations.
For information regarding invasive plants phone Council's Rural Services Officers on (07) 49929500, or visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.
Parthenium and Rats Tail Grass Weed Declared Areas
Please refer to the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
Declared Local Pests
Under Council's Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environment Management) 2011, Council has declared the following as local pests:
- Feral Leucaena; and
- African Love Grass.
Council may require the owner of land to take specified action to control declared local pests.
The material on this website is for education and basic information purposes only. It is not to be construed by the reader as accurate, up to date or, in any way shape or form, complete and the Banana Shire Council ("Council") disclaims all liability for any loss or injury suffered howsoever caused as a result of relying upon the content of this website in the making of any commercial or personal decisions. If any person does wish to make any commercial or other decisions based on the information contained in this website they should first consult an appropriately qualified professional and obtain information where the requisite details have been professionally verified. The user acknowledges reading this disclaimer prior to further accessing this site.
The Council makes aerial photography contour mapping and public utility information available to end users. This information may vary from time to time as data sets are not complete and information may change. The Council and its associated suppliers make no representations or warranties in relation to the material displayed on this site including without limitation the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness, currency or fitness for any particular purpose of the material. You may use this site for non-commercial purposes only to view, download and display on the condition that you do not alter the material, remove, alter or obscure any copyright notice or digital rights information included in the material, copy the material or any part of it onto another website, create a link between this site and another website in such a way as to mislead users as to the ownership of this site or ownership of copyright or other proprietary rights in this site and the material available on it or purport to use this material in any manner that represents or warrants that the material is accurate, reliable, complete or fit for any particular purpose. Any material displayed on this site relating to information, products or services offered by organisations or entities other than the Council should not be taken as implying the endorsement or approval of Council of the material or the activities of those organisations or entities.
Biosecurity Plan 2019-2024
Invasive biosecurity matter (introduced plant and animal species) have significant negative impacts on the environment, the economy (particularly agriculture) and the community, including human health and recreation. The purpose of managing invasive species is to prevent new introductions and limit these negative impacts.
Banana Shire Council is committed to the prevention, eradication and effective management of pest animals and invasive plants throughout the Shire and is responsible for ensuring invasive biosecurity matter is managed within the local area on land under our jurisdiction and in accordance with legislative requirements.
The Banana Shire Council Biosecurity Management Plan has been developed in accordance with the Queensland State Government’s requirements under the Biosecurity Act 2014 for local governments to have a biosecurity plan for biosecurity matter such as pest animals and invasive plants within its local government.
Application for Cat Trap Hire (Rural/ Commercial/ Industrial Businesses Only) Form
Application for a Stock Route Grazing (Agistment) Permit
Application for a Stock Route Travel Permit
Banana Shire Council Biosecurity Plan 2019-2024
Banana Stock Route Network Classification Map
Banana Stock Route Network Locality Map
Banana Shire Weed Declared Areas Map
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Invasive Plant and Animal Fact Sheets