Minor Works on Roads

Minor Works on Roads
Minor works on roads application form
Gates and Grids
The property owner is responsible for the provision and maintenance of gates and grids. Council is responsible for ensuring that all gates and grids are constructed and installed in accordance with the standard at the time of construction.
Council is responsible for compiling and maintaining a register of all gates and grids within the Shire. Council will not accept ownership of any gates or grids. Council is not responsible for the physical construction and maintenance of gates or grids. Should the gate or grid no longer be required, the property owner is required to make an application to Council for its removal.
Landscaping on Council's Footpaths and Verge
The property owner is responsible for the maintenance of any approved footpath/verge landscaping (either existing or new).
Council is responsible for ensuring that the landscaping installation and maintenance is performed in such a way as to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
Council is not responsible for the physical installation or maintenance of the landscaping.
Stock Irrigation
Council supports the installation of irrigation lines crossing Council road reserves for the supply of water for livestock.