Saturday Gallery Viewing

Saturday Gallery Viewing

Date: 15th June 2024

Location: Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery 62 Valentine Plains Road,
Biloela, 4715 QLD

Cost: Free

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Final day for viewing the exhibition "Women's Work and Other Myths"

“Women’s Work” and Other Myths is an exhibition which celebrates the creative capital generated by regional female artists and arts workers. There is a reoccurring pattern within regional arts communities. Women share. Knowledge, skills and experience, often earned at great personal cost and are given generously to their creative communities. Women so often are the grant writers, the teachers, the event planners, and the creative thinkers that keep the arts ticking.

“Women’s Work” and Other Myths plays with the historical use of the term “women’s work” used to downplay the importance of the female contribution to labour or feminine artforms. Drawing from the Banana Shire Council Collection, various private collections, and local arts groups, this exhibition highlights the valuable role of women in regional arts through their artworks and stories. “Women’s Work” and Other Myths coincides with the Women of the World (WOW) Festival, Biloela.

Women's Work and Other Myths