Evolve | Biloela Area Visual Artists

28 May – 2 July 2021
Evolve explores themes of change, life cycles, time and growth.
Biloela Area Visual Artists (BAVA) is a community of artists from across the Callide Dawson Valleys, who gather to support and encourage one another, share knowledge and inspiration, develop skills, and promote visual arts across the Banana Shire.
Members represent a broad range of ages and stages, from beginner artists right through to seasoned professionals.
Artists: Acacia Ferry, Amy Briggs, Glenda Semple, Gwen Evetts, Judy Vander-Have, Kassie Warren, Leah Johnston, Michele Lyons (Briggs), Sarah Larsen, Tracey Hewitt.
Follow BAVA on facebook
Image: Gwen Evetts, Stars and Sunshine (detail) 2021, acrylic on paper with cyanotype collage pieces, canvas substrate. Image courtesy of the artist.