My Life By Stitches | Bronwynne Bates

21 August - 25 September
My Life By Stitches celebrates reaching 60 years of Life.
I was born 1961 in Broken Hill, married in 1980 to Noel Bates and have two daughters Summa and Danica.
My journey began in 1988 when I started patch work and made my first quilt. This was a queen size quilt, machine pierced and hand quilted and was a gifted to my mother.
In 1990 I also started embroidery and doll making while continuing quilting.
I moved to Biloela in 2004 where I still live today and continue my love for quilting and stitching.
This display is some of my quilts I have made over the years with some new ones included which will be gifted after this exhibition.
Throughout my quilting journey it has involved and been inspired by many different parts of my life including
Living in four states of Australia as well as traveling the world and having the opportunities to meet some amazing people and some I still call my friends today.
Gifting and giving by making and creating works to give to other people. Over the years I have donated a number of my quilts to raffles for charity, Umoja Children’s Home in Kenya and to Theodore during the floods.
A Healing Process while in hospital and at home, craft and making was a way of healing and recovery.
All of the quilts show the skill and expertise required.
I have enjoyed every stitch and have treasured every moment along the way.
Image: Bronwynne Bates Life is Beautiful 2017 hand embroidered and machine pieced, pattern Hugs and Kisses. Image courtesy of the artist.
Programs & Events
Exhibition Opening
Date: Saturday 21 August
Time: 1pm
Join us for the official opening of My Life By Stitches by Bronwynne Bates.
Light refreshments provided
RSVP Essential
Phone: 49992 9500
Bookings & Enquiries
Phone: 4992 9500
COVID-19 Safe Event
This event is following a COVID Safe Event Checklist.
Please do not attend if you are: unwell, have COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, vomiting, diarrhoea or shortness of breath), have been overseas or to a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days, have been in close contact with a confirmed case, are an active COVID-19 case.
Weekend Viewing
Date: Saturday 28 August, Saturday 25 September
Time: 10am – 12 pm