Utility & Separate Charges

How does Banana Shire Council calculate all the other rates and charges?
Rates and charges are determined at Council's Budget Meeting. Minutes to this meeting will have resolutions to the respective charges that will be levied on Rate Notices. Follow the link to the minutes for the 2024/2025 Budget Meeting.
Utility Charges
Council’s sewerage charges are set to recover the cost to Council of operating the sewerage network. An annual charge is levied on all premises within the areas where Council provides a sewerage service. In the case of land not connected to Council's Sewerage network but are able to be connected, a vacant sewerage charge is applied to contribute towards the cost of the infrastructure.
Water charges are determined on a user pays basis and collected to fully recover the cost of provision of infrastructure and the costs of operating and maintaining the water supply system. The charges will comprise;
- an access charge for all properties, whether connected or not, to which Council is prepared to make a supply of reticulated water available; and
- a charge for each kilolitre of water used (consumption charge).
Please be advised that the sewer line, from the main connection, and the water line, after the water meter, is considered private pipeline and the owner is responsible for the operation and maintenance costs.
Council’s waste management charges are set to recover the cost to Council of providing refuse collection services.
Separate Charges
Environmental Levy
The Environmental Levy is a separate charge for all rateable properties in the Shire. Funds raised from this levy are used to assist in defraying the cost of Council’s Shire Wide Waste Strategy (which strategy incorporates the operation of landfill sites throughout the Shire, undertaking consequential environmental initiatives for the purpose of environmental protection, sustainability and conservation).
State Emergency Management Levy
The State Emergency Management Levy is NOT a Banana Shire Council charge. Councils throughout Queensland collect and remit the State Emergency Management Levy on behalf of the State Government.
This Levy is applied to all Queensland properties to ensure there is a sustainable funding base for the Fire and Emergency Services and recognises that all Queenslanders are at risk from a wide range of emergencies including floods, cyclones, storms as well as fire and accidents.
The amount of the charge varies according to whether the property is vacant or developed, and the type of such development. Please contact Levy Management Unit regarding any questions or enquiries you have in relation to this Levy on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or email QFESLevy@qfes.qld.gov.au. Alternatively you can visit their website for more information.
Special Charges
Rural Fire Brigade Levy
A special charge will be levied on all rateable land within the respective Rural Fire Brigade districts for the purpose of raising funds for each Brigade. Funds collected are for the purpose of contributing to the operation costs of fire fighting and where appropriate the purchase of equipment.