Overdue Rates & Charges

In accordance with section 133 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 interest charges will be applied to all overdue rates or charges. From 1 July 2024 interest will accrue at a rate of 12.35% per annum, compounding daily. To avoid interest charges you must pay your rates in full by the due date.
Debt Recovery
Unpaid rates are considered overdue and recoverable by Council once the due date has passed. As part of its Rates and Charges Collection Policy, Council reserves the right to refer the details of any ratepayers that have outstanding rates and charges to a debt collection agency to commence further debt recovery action.
If you are having difficulty making payments, it is important that you contact Council's Rates section to discuss your situation. We would prefer to work with you rather than have Council’s debt collection agency pursue the debt. Refer to the 'Paying your Rates' tab for more information.
Sale of Land
The Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012 allow council to conduct sale of land for overdue rates and charges proceedings. The process that council undertakes is in accordance with the legislation.
Where a property meets the below criteria, a report will be presented to council for consideration to proceed with sale.
- Properties with rates and charges outstanding for three (3) years or more;
Council may then resolve to issue a notice of intention to sell the property, to the registered owners, mortgagees and interested parties.
Should Council resolve to commence the sale of a property for the recovery of rates, only the full payment of outstanding rates and charges and any additional costs incurred by us to recover the monies, will prevent a public auction of the property. Owners of the property have up until the date of auction to pay their outstanding rates and charges.
A list of properties will be advertised in accordance with legislation and will be made available on council’s website up until the day of the auction.