Agency & In Person Payments

Expand the payment methods below for further information on how and where you can pay your rates.
Council will accept payment in person by Cash, Cheque, Money Order, Visa Card, Master Card and EFTPOS (no cash out). Present the rates notice intact with cash, cheque or eftpos/credit card at:
- Council Chambers, 62 Valentine Plains Road, Biloela. Open 8.00am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
- Taroom Office, 18 Yaldwyn Street, Taroom. Open 8.00am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
For payment in person by Cheque, Money Order, Visa Card, Master Card and EFTPOS, present rates notice with payment at:
- Moura Administration Office, 38 Gillespie Street, Moura. Open 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. (Closed for lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm)
The rates notice may be paid by cash or cheque at any Australia Post Office or Australia Post Agency.
Detach the bottom portion of the notice, make cheque/money order payable to Banana Shire Council marked "NOT NEGOTIABLE" and mail to The Chief Executive Officer, Banana Shire Council, PO Box 412, Biloela QLD 4715.
If mailing your remittance please allow sufficient time for your payment to reach the Council Office before the closing date.
It is strongly suggested that payment is not left until the last few days, as Council does not accept responsibility for postal or unforseen delays.