Dreaming with Maggie

Dreaming with Maggie, Susan Cook and Wendy McNeil
Dreaming With Maggie
Susan Cook and Wendy McNeil
28 APR 2023 - 16 JUN 2023
Susan Cook and Wendy McNeil celebrate their connection to Iman country through this varied selection of highly detailed paintings. Each image tells a unique story, part of legacy left to the twin artists by Great Grandmother Maggie Dunn. Cook and McNeil explore storytelling and the beauty of local Country through their painting practice, made possible by Maggie’s survival and resilience during the frontier wars and the stolen generations.
Official Opening Night
Dreaming with Maggie, Susan Cook and Wendy McNeil
FRI 28 APR 2022: 6:00 PM
All welcome. Free entry and light refreshments.
RSVP attendence to enquiries@banana.qld.gov.au
Weekend Openings
SAT 29 APR 2023: 10AM - 12PM
SAT 6 MAY 2023: 10 AM – 12 PM
SAT 3 JUN 2023: 10 AM – 12 PM