From Where I Stand

Veronkia Zeil, Balancing Act, 2017. charcoal, binders, synthetic polymer paint and cement on plywood.

Veronika Zeil, Balancing Act, 2017. charcoal, binders, synthetic polymer paint and cement on plywood.
From Where I Stand
25 AUG 2023 - 23 SEP 2023
There is something exposing in the act of creating an artwork. For an artist to create, they must lay their thoughts bare, making them visible to the rest of the world. Artist David Hockney states,
“What an artist is trying to do for people is bring them closer to something, because of course art is about sharing. You wouldn’t be an artist unless you wanted to share an experience, a thought.”
From Where I Stand traverses time and medium to share stories both big and small. From depictions of unassuming and personal interactions to vast landscapes, each artwork is an important marker of our collective history and identity as a community. From Where I Stand creates opportunities to view the world through someone else’s eyes.
This exhibition is a cross section of locally and nationally recognised artists from the Banana Shire Council Collection. The display celebrates the unique perspectives of each artist and amplifies the unifying themes of the Collection. Recurring subjects include local landscape and portraiture. This public archive of over three hundred works is preserved in order to be experienced now, and in generations to come.
Official Opening Night
From Where I Stand
FRI 25 AUG 2023: 6:00 PM
Free entry and light refreshments
Watercolour Painting Workshop:
SAT 23 SEP 2023: 9AM- 11:30 AM
Learn to create beautiful watercolour still life artworks from objects that tell your story. Suitable for beginners. This workshop will teach you the basics of watercolour painting and colour mixing. Run by Bridie Weaver.
Limited spots available, morning tea provided.
Tickets $25. Ages 10+. RSVP to
Weekend Openings
SAT 26 AUG 2023: 10 AM – 12 PM