Tours and Group Visits

The Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery is the perfect place for a group visit. With an exhibition schedule that changes every 6 – 8 weeks, there is always something new to see.
Our gallery staff offer free guided tours through the current exhibition, catered to your group’s interests and availability. These tours are well suited for private, community and educational groups.
School Groups
There is great value in giving children and young people the opportunity to interact with contemporary artwork. At the Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery, we can provide programs that are accessible to all age groups and learning abilities.
The Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery offers short educational activities related to our current display with all school group visits. Touring shows in our exhibition schedule often supply educational resources with Queensland curriculum-based learning outcomes. We facilitate these programs for schools and supply educational resources that can be used in the classroom or the gallery.
Excursions can be developed to suit your student group’s learning needs.
To discuss or make a group booking email
Visit Us
62 Valentine Plains Road, Biloela
Free Entry
8:30am - 4:30pm (Monday - Friday)
10:00am - 12:00 on selected Saturdays
Contact Us
Phone: 4992 9500
Post: PO Box 412, Biloela QLD 4715