A-Z Recycling & Disposal


Recycling and Disposal

Council is keen to encourage recycling and the recovery of as much material as possible from waste produced by our community. There are many opportunities available to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Ultimately however, avoiding the waste being produced in the first place if possible is the best option.

With the introduction of the Queensland waste levy on 1 July 2019, minimising waste to landfill will help to reduce the amount of levy you have to pay.

All recycling materials are free to dispose at Council waste facilities when placed in the correct locations with the exception of tyres and commercial loads of clean concrete.

To assist in determining what materials can be recycled or otherwise diverted from landfill, Council has developed the following fact sheet.

A-Z of Banana Shire Recycling and Disposal Fact Sheet

For further information or questions regarding recycling in our Shire, please contact Council Waste Services on (07) 4992 9500.

More information is provided below regarding the disposal of:

Asbestos Removal


Details of asbestos disposal requirements are provided in the ‘A-Z of Banana Shire Recycling and Disposal’ fact sheet above.

All household and commercial asbestos deliveries require an application form to be submitted before disposal – no application fees apply. The application forms can be accessed through the documents link above. For domestic loads complete the ‘Notification of Asbestos Disposal – Domestic’.  For commercial loads complete ‘Application for Hazardous/Regulated Waste Disposal at Trap Gully Landfill – Commercial’.

A trial to accept small quantities of domestic asbestos has started at Moura Transfer Station. Persons delivering the waste will need to have the ‘Notification of Asbestos Disposal – Domestic’ form completed and submitted to Council prior to delivery. All asbestos waste is to be securely double wrapped and labelled according to the instructions on the form.

See www.asbestos.qld.gov.au for details on how to safely remove, transport and prepare asbestos for disposal, or refer to the Asbestos guide for minor renovations fact sheet.

hazardous waste\

For the disposal of minor quantities of household hazardous waste, refer to the ‘Guide to household hazardous waste disposal’ fact sheet.

For hazardous or regulated waste not addressed by this fact sheet, disposal options may include –

  • Registering with ChemClear – visit www.chemclear.org.au for more information.
  • Disposal or treatment outside the Shire – contact a commercial waste contractor;  or
  • Disposal at Council’s Trap Gully Landfill.

The A-Z Banana Shire Recycling and Disposal fact sheet linked above also details this further.

Trap Gully Landfill can only accept limited types and quantities of hazardous or regulated waste and an application is required prior to disposal to enable Council to assess the waste for acceptability. 

An application form will need to be completed for both domestic and commercial waste types. A copy of the application form is available through the documents link above.

Testing of the waste may be required to ensure the regulated substances contained within it are below the maximum contaminant levels allowable for disposal at Trap Gully Landfill.  Please contact Council to discuss what tests are required prior to acceptance and disposal.

Pages 12 to 17 of Council’s Environmental Authority (EA) EPPR00818213 details what can and cannot be accepted at Trap Gully Landfill.

Visit the Department of Environment and Science’s website for more detail about regulated waste.

For an overview of regulated waste categorisation see the Overview of Regulated Waste Categorisation. This document further explains when testing is required and has some worked examples in it.

Some regulated wastes must also be tracked. View the list of Trackable Wastes in Queensland

green waste

Council encourages the separation of green waste materials at our waste facilities.  Green waste includes branches and garden clippings. Domestic and commercial green waste is free to drop off at all waste facilities except Trap Gully Landfill.

Raw, clean timber (free of nails, screws, asbestos, paint and contaminants) can also be added to the green waste stockpiles at Council’s transfer stations.

This material is then shredded and made available for use as mulch, reducing unnecessary waste to landfill. To provide a useable product, stockpiles must be clean and free of rubbish.

Council mulches the green waste and offers it to the public free of charge at most waste facilities.  Delivery is available at a cost.

Green waste and food scraps may also be composted or used in home worm farms. For more information about these options refer to the fact sheets below.

Worm farming fact sheet

Composting fact sheet



soil disposal

Soil to be disposed of at a Council waste facility will require an Assessment for Soil Disposal form to be completed and submitted before arrival at site.

Soil will be assessed within three categories:

  1. clean fill (for cover or alternative use)
  2. low level contaminated soil (for landfill cover material, testing for total contaminants may be required)
  3. non-accepted waste soil (regulated waste or exceeds allowable landfill EA Permit limits)

All material from land listed on the Environmental/Contaminated Lands Register will require testing.