Waste Facilities

Banana Shire Council maintains eight waste transfer stations and three landfills.

The locations of our facilities, contact details and operating times are listed below.

The 'A-Z Recycling & Disposal' tab provides information about recycling and disposal options for all waste types including asbestos and other hazardous waste.

The legal obligations of the person transporting waste to a waste facility and penalties for non-compliance are details in the fact sheet 'Obligations of Persons Delivering Waste'.

Disposal Cost

Household recycling and waste will continue to be free to dispose (with the exception of tyres) at all Shire waste facilities.

Commercial (non-household) waste will be charged as per Council's Waste Management Disposal Fees if it can not be recycled. Recycling of commercial waste is free, however load size limits may apply.

Commercial waste is currently only accepted for disposal at Trap Gully Landfill; however plans are in place to accept and charge for small quantities of this waste at other Shire facilities in the near future.

For more information about costs associated with kerbside bin collections, refer to the 'Kerbside collection' tab.

Opening Hours

Biloela Trap Gully Landfill
(Supervised Site)
142 Forestry Road
View location of Landfill map
Site Operators Mobile: 0409 756 876
7.15 am to 3.45 pm - Monday to Friday
(Closed Public Holidays)
Site Supervised by Banana Shire Council Staff
Taroom Transfer Station
35 Cromwell Street
View location of Landfill map
Site Operators Mobile: 0499 641 859
7 am to 12 pm - 7 days per week
(Closed Christmas Day & Good Friday)
CCTV Supervised and Site Supervised by Banana Shire Council Staff
Biloela Transfer Station
(Supervised Site)
156 Calvale Road
View location of Transfer Station map
Outlook Aust Ltd
Contact Person: Kellie Sharp
Mobile: 0410 598 141
Waste Facility:
7 am to 5:30 pm - 7 days per week
(Closed Christmas Day, Good Friday & ANZAC Day)
Supervised by Contractor
Moura Transfer Station
(Supervised Site)
18776 Dawson Highway
View location of Transfer Station map
AT & CA Large
Contact Person/s: Tony or Sandra Large
Mobile: 0428 736 861
7 am to 5.30 pm - 7 days per week
(Closed Christmas Day, Good Friday & ANZAC Day)
CCTV Supervised and Site Supervised by Contractor
Banana Transfer Station
75 Barfield Road
View location of Transfer Station map
AT & CA Large
Contact Person/s: Tony or Sandra Large
Mobile: 0428 736 861
7 am to 5.30 pm - 7 days per week
(Closed Christmas Day, Good Friday & ANZAC Day)
CCTV Supervised and Remotely Supervised by Contractor
Baralaba Transfer Station
60 Eric Hamilton Road
View location of Transfer Station map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site
Cracow Transfer Station
8479 Nathan Gorge Road
View location of Landfill map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site
Jambin Transfer Station
172 Jambin-Goovigen Road
View location of Transfer Station map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site
Thangool Transfer Station
7 Cocks Millard Road
View  location of Transfer Station map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site
Theodore Transfer Station
48 Goolara-Heinekes Road
View location of Transfer Station map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site
Wowan Transfer Station
10 Wowan Bore Road
View location of Transfer Station map
BSC Manager Waste and Environment
(07) 4992 9500
5am to 7pm - 7 days per week
Automatic Gated Facility
CCTV Supervised Site