Kerbside Collection

kerbside collection

Weekly kerbside bin collections are provided by Council in most town areas for general waste disposal. A higher frequency of collection is available for commercial premises in Biloela and Moura.

On your collection day, please ensure your bins are placed on the kerb by 6:00am. Face the lid openings to the road, no more than a metre from the kerb edge and at least one metre apart when there is more than one bin.

Additional information for correct wheelie bin usage and Banana Shire bin collection days is also available. For more information, see the Kerbside Waste Services Frequently Asked Questions factsheet.

Recycling Collection

From 3 May 2021, properties with a kerbside wheelie bin service can also make use of a fortnightly kerbside recycling service for paper and cardboard. Throughout April 2021, properties will receive a new paper and cardboard recycling bin recognizable by a blue lid. These new wheelie bins are being provided to each eligible property in the region free of charge.

It is important to note, for this program to be successful will require residents to observe the following important instructions:

Materials that CAN be placed in your blue-lid bin include:

  • Cardboard boxes and cartons;
  • Cardboard packaging;
  • Paper and envelopes (including window envelopes);
  • Newspaper and magazines.

Materials NOT accepted in your blue-lid bin include:

  • Products with wax coating or metallic surfaces;
  • Shredded or laminated paper;
  • Plastic food wrappers;
  • Cardboard heavily contaminated with food or grease;
  • Facial tissues and paper towel;
  • Plastic film, clingwrap, pallet shrink or stretch wrap and polystyrene;
  • Bottles, cans and other plastics.

If the bins are contaminated with the above prohibited materials, then the content of your bin cannot be recycled which will inevitably lead to increased costs over time.

Your blue-lid recycling bin will be serviced on the same day as your general waste bin, on a fortnightly basis.  Prior to 3 May 2021, you will receive a letter stating whether your recycling service begins in week 1 (week beginning 3 May 2012) or week 2 (week beginning 10 May 2021). Before 6:00am on your normal bin day, please put out your red-lid general waste bin and new blue-lid cardboard bin for collection. In the following week place out your red-lid general waste bin only.

The number of fortnightly recycling services you are entitled to is determined by the number of garbage services on your rates notice. One garbage service will entitle you to one weekly service on a red-lidded general waste bin, and one fortnightly service on a blue-lidded recycling bin.

Please refer to the Correct Wheelie Bin Usage fact sheet above when presenting your bin.

There will be no direct cost impacts on residential kerbside bin collection services from the State Waste Levy.

Council has received an annual payment of $505,705 from the State Government to mitigate any direct impacts of the State Waste Levy on households.  This payment is based on 105% of the municipal solid waste received at Council’s landfills in the previous financial year.

Although Council is obliged to pay a levy to the State Government on all waste disposed to landfill, including household waste, this pre-payment ensures that Council will not be passing on the direct cost of this levy to householders.

Since 1 July 2019, Council incurs an additional levy per tonne on all waste disposed to landfill payable to the State Government.  To recover this cost, the utility charge on non-residential kerbside bins was increased.

As an example, the waste levy portion of the non-residential wheelie bin service rate was calculated using the Waste Reduction and Recycling (Waste Levy) Amendment Regulation 2019, Schedule 1 Waste levy rates, and Schedule 4 Weight measurement criteria, Table 2, and has been calculated as follows:

  • A wheelie bin is 240 litres = 0.240 m3
  • The Regulation has allocated 0.15 as a weight multiplier to convert this volume to tonnes
  • 0.240 (bin capacity) * 0.15 (weight multiplier) = 0.036 tonnes
  • Charge for a wheelie bin service is therefore 0.036 * $75.00 (waste levy) = $2.70 per collected bin/per week
  • For the 2019-2020 year the waste levy component was $2.70 x 52 weeks = $140.40

If you have more than one (1) wheelie bin service, you will be charged for all the bin services you currently receive, whether you present all your bins for collection each week or not and regardless of how full the bins are. 

To reduce your costs, you may want to ensure that the bins you are using are full. However, very heavy and over-full bins will not be able to be collected. 

If you are able to reduce the amount of waste you produce, and no longer need all your wheelie bin services, please notify Council and your bin services may be amended.

If you wish to self-haul waste, charges will apply to commercial waste disposal to landfill.  Please see Council’s schedule of fees and charges for further detail.

Waste that can be diverted for recycling at Council’s waste facilities will be accepted free of charge (with the exception of tyres), however some load size limits may apply. 

You may wish to refer to Council’s A-Z of Banana Shire Recycling and Disposal Fact Sheet for further information about local recycling options or the Waste Levy fact sheet for more information about how to reduce waste costs.