Waste Levy

Cleanaway truck front

Queensland Government Waste Levy

The Queensland Government introduced a levy on all waste going to landfill on 1 July 2019. The levy is a key component of the Government’s new Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy aimed at increasing recycling and waste recovery, reducing the volume of waste that goes to landfill and creating new jobs.

The levy will be enforced by Local Governments that fall within the levy zone. The proposed levy zone includes 39 out of 77 government areas, including Banana Shire. This covers around 90 per cent of Queensland’s population.

Waste going to landfill will incur the relevant levy rate unless the waste is both generated and disposed of in the 'non-levy zone'. Charges through wheelie bin services will not include GST, however, waste facility gate fees will attract GST. There are exemptions for some specific types of waste, such as waste that results from a declared disaster, clean earth and lawfully managed and transported asbestos.

Further information on the waste levy in the Banana Shire can be found on the following fact sheet:

Waste levy factsheet

Or on the Queensland Government website:


Further information about impacts of the waste levy on kerbside bin services can be found under the 'Kerbside Collection' tab.