In Her Name

In Her Name
Celebrating the Lives of Queensland’s Women and Girls
14th February – 28th March 2025
Women may not be highly visible in many formal positions of power, but in fact, they exercise extraordinary leadership in a myriad of ways and places throughout our state. "In Her Name" pays tribute to women and girls from various locations where Women of the World Festivals (WOW) and events have been held over the past four years. This includes Charleville, Cairns, Logan, Brisbane, Longreach and here in Biloela.
Originally curated by Jody Haines, the exhibition showcases the stories of women from across Queensland. The exhibition offers visitors a unique opportunity to engage with the powerful images and narratives of over 50 extraordinary women and girls. Each woman featured has been identified by her community for the leadership or huge personal contribution they have made. These stories highlight the often-unseen leadership roles women occupy and the profound influence they have in shaping their communities. Photography by Cristina Bevilacqua, Tatenda Dhobha, Amy Holcombe, Katrina Lehmann, Mana Salsali and Catrina Stevens.
Women of the World Australia (WOW) in partnership with The Banana Shire Council, is proud to present "In Her Name”. Supported by the Queensland Government, this exhibition will be on display at the Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery, in Biloela, from the 14th February – 28th March 2025.

Official Opening Night
FRI 14 FEB 2025: 6 PM - 8 PM
Free entry and light refreshments. Performance TBC
To RSVP for this free event BOOK HERE
WOW! What Next?
SAT 15 FEB 2025: 10 AM - 12 PM
Building on the theme of the exhibition, we will present a panel conversation featuring remarkable women from Central Queensland. These women will discuss their lives, work and hopes for their families and communities into the future.
To RSVP for this free event BOOK HERE
Weekend Openings
SAT 15 FEB: 10 AM - 12 PM (Wow! What Next? Public Program)
SAT 8 MAR: 12 PM – 2:30 PM (International Women’s Day)
SAT 22 MAR: 10 AM – 12 PM