Lost and Found Animals

3 Dogs banner image

Impounded Animals and Animal Surrenders

cat and dog

If your cat or dog is found wandering outside your property, it may be impounded by Council Compliance Officers. 

You can view all currently impounded stray animals at the bottom of this page.

Release of animals

Animals will only be released from the pound after full payment of impoundment and sustenance fees, and/or registration fees and microchipping fees have been made. Fees may be paid at Council's Customer Service Centres at Biloela, Moura, and Taroom or over the phone. Relevant fees are listed on Council's Fees and Charges Register.

All impounded dogs are required to be registered and microchipped prior to release. Cats are required to be microchipped.

Impounded animals will be released by appointment only. Upon collection of your animal, you may be requested to show proof of payment and photo identification.

Holding Time for Impounded Animals

Dogs and Cats will be held for three (3) days if they are not registered, and five (5) days for registered animals.  On the expiry of the holding time, animals become the property of the Council, which may result in the animal being sent to rescue, listed for adoption, or otherwise disposed of.

Unwanted Animals/Surrenders

Council may accept dogs or cats that an owner no longer wants, upon payment of the surrender fee.  Fees and Charges Register. It is preferred that the owner finds an alternative home or rescues themselves or, if necessary, organizes for the animal to be destroyed humanely by a veterinarian.

Council is unable to endorse particular rescues, please find a list of Central Queensland rescues.

Capricorn Animal Aid

Gladstone PAWS

Central Queensland Animal Society

CQ Pet Rescue Inc.

Council maintains the right to refuse to take ownership of unwanted animals if there is an apparent risk of the spread of disease, the risk to Council staff in handling the animal, and/or due to operational circumstances.

Animal Management Facility Location

The Banana Shire Council Animal Management Facility is located at:

1/171 State Farm Road
Biloela, Qld 

Travel through the roundabout and continue down State Farm Road towards Tognolini-Baldwin Rd. The facility is situated on the left-hand side just after the creek crossing. Please alert us of your arrival by pressing the button at the front gate.

Opening hours

By appointment within business hours (8:00am - 5:00pm)

If you have lost your pet, please contact Council on (07) 4992 9500

Contact Council


If you have lost your pet, please contact Council on (07) 4992 9500 with details and we will try our best to assist.

There are currently no lost animals in the Banana Shire Council Animal Management Facility. Council will update this page if this changes.