New Heater Purchased to Replace Faulty Equipment at Biloela 25-Metre Pool

New Heater Purchased to Replace Faulty Equipment at Biloela 25-Metre Pool

Published: 23rd January 2019

The operator of the Biloela Swimming Complex advised Council on January 11 that the heater for the 25-metre pool had stopped operating.

Council has purchased a new heater, deciding it was more efficient and effective to replace the old gas heating system with a new electric heater, than repair it.

Banana Shire Mayor Nev Ferrier said as soon as Council was notified of the breakdown, swift action was taken to secure quotes to both repair the existing heater and replace it.

“The gas heater has passed its use-by-date and has had to be repaired regularly of late,” Cr Ferrier said.

“It is unfortunate that swimmers used to the warm water of the 25-metre pool had to endure the cooler water over the past two weeks,” Cr Ferrier said.

“Until the new heater is installed the chill can be taken off the water by using the pool blanket during the nights.

“This will retain the heat generated during the day.

 “Council has instructed the pool operator to use the pool blanket until the heater is installed and fully operational," Cr Ferrier said.

Council has purchased the heater and is awaiting its delivery.  

The process to engage a contractor to install the heater has also commenced.