Collins Street, Biloela - Roadworks Advice

Collins Street, Biloela - Roadworks Advice

Published: 27th June 2022

Urban Reseals

Collins Street, Biloela


Roadworks advice

The Banana Shire Council advise the following work areas to be established on Tuesday 28/06/2022, for Urban Reseal of Collins Street. (Refer to map):

  • Works may include traffic controllers and traffic lights in place to manage traffic flow along Collins Street for 28 June 2022


Traffic Control:

Traffic control will be in place.  Motorists and pedestrians are reminded to exercise caution and observe all warning signs, speed restrictions and traffic controller/light directions during the works.



To assist with works it would be appreciated if you could ensure the roadway and footpaths are cleared of any obstruction (including parked vehicles, caravans, boats etc.) for the duration of the project.  This will allow for the work to be completed in an efficient and timely manner. Temporary measures will be in place to ensure access to private properties is maintained at all times.


Noise, dust, and vibration:

Audible noise, possible dust and localised vibrations from construction activities and heavy machinery. Reversing alarms and flashing lights are a safety requirement and will be used at all times during work.


Increased construction traffic:

An increase in construction / heavy vehicles near work areas will occur during construction.


Working hours:

6am – 6pm


The project team will continue to keep nearby residents, businesses, motorists, and key stakeholders updated throughout construction.


Collin Street