“In Her Name” Exhibition Opens at Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery

“In Her Name” Exhibition Opens at Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery

Published: 5th February 2025

Banana Shire Regional Art Gallery in partnership Women of the World Australia (WOW) is proud to host an inspiring exhibition, “In Her Name”, opening on 14th February.  The exhibition celebrates the extraordinary contributions of women and girls from across Queensland.


The exhibition offers visitors a unique opportunity to engage with the powerful images and narratives of over 50 extraordinary women and girls. Each woman featured has been identified by her community for the leadership or huge personal contribution they have made.


The exhibition includes stunning portraits of local women from Banana Shire, captured by talented local photographers Amy Holcome, Alecia McQuade and Catrina Stevens.


Mayor Nev Ferrier said, “Our community is full of strong, dedicated women who work tirelessly to make a difference.  This exhibition shines a well deserved spotlight on their contributions which are often unseen but are incredibly impactful. We are proud to celebrate them here in Banana Shire”.


"In Her Name" pays tribute to women and girls from various locations where Women of the World Festivals (WOW) and events have been held over the past four years. This includes Charleville, Cairns, Logan, Brisbane, Longreach and here in Biloela.


The exhibition will run from 14th February – 22nd March with special weekend openings. The gallery will be open for viewing on Saturday 8th March to coinicide with International Women’s Day. 




Public Programs:

Official Opening Night

FRI 14 FEB 2025: 6 PM – 8 PM

Free entry and light refreshments.


WOW! What Next?

SAT 15 FEB 2025: 10 AM – 12 PM


Weekend Openings

SAT 15 FEB: 10 AM – 12 PM (Wow! What Next?)

SAT 8 MAR: 12 PM – 2:30 PM (International Women’s Day)

SAT 22 MAR: 10 AM – 12 PM