Building over and near relevant infrastructure

Building over and near relevant infrastructure
From the 1st November 2013, building work over or near relevant infrastructure such as Sewer, Water or Stormwater mains is to be assessed against the Queensland Development Code Part MP1.4 – Building over or near relevant infrastructure. This means that providing the proposed building work complies with the acceptable solution of the Queensland Development Code, consent from the service provider (Council) is not required. However if the proposed work does not comply with the acceptable solutions then Council becomes a concurrence agency and will assess the proposal against the performance criteria of the Queensland Development Code.
These requirements apply to Dwellings or Units of Class 1 classification, and sheds, carports, or other structures of Class 10 classification, which essentially, if built more than 1.2m from the service is acceptable, providing it meets all the other acceptable solution requirements. For example not imposing any loads on the service, or the service is of a size outside those set under the Queensland Development Code section A1 and section A2.
For all other Classes of buildings they are to be referred to Council if the proposed building work is within 10 metres of the service.
Sewerage Location Request Form
If an assessment against the Performance Criteria is required, Council has an application for Concurrence Agency Assessment Form that outlines the documentation required when lodging an application to build over, or near, relevant infrastructure. The application must be accompanied by the fee as listed in Council's scheduled fees and charges.
Further information can be obtained from the Department of Housing and Public Works website or by Contacting Council.