'The Great Race' - Capricornia Historical Motor Club Inc. Annual Rally
'The Great Race' - Capricornia Historical Motor Club Inc. Annual Rally
The Capricornia Historical Motor Club Inc invites you to their Annual Rally on the 24 & 25 June 2023.
This year’s event is being held in Biloela, Central Queensland and will provide motoring enthusiasts with an ideal opportunity to explore Biloela and a number of the rural villages and towns that help to form the Banana Shire. Join us and take a journey along our highways and byways whilst filling the days with memorable moments, fun activities, exploration and discovery, along with the pure enjoyment of simple pleasures such as great food and country hospitality. So, come on, make it a date!! It will be an experience to remember.
$125 per person which includes all meals and activities.
For more information or to book tickets, please contact Cindy Cooper on 07 4992 2400 during work hours and 0429 383 296 after hours. Email: cooper.ca@bigpond.com