Local Emergency Coordination Committees

Local Emergency Coordination Committees
Local Emergency Coordination Committees (LECC) have been established in the following locations within the Banana Shire;
- Baralaba/Rannes;
- Jambin/Goovigen;
- Moura/Banana;
- Taroom;
- Theodore/Cracow; and
- Wowan/Dululu
The purpose of the LECC's is to establish a core group of people within the local community who possess the local knowledge and expertise to assist the Local Disaster Management Group in coordinating disaster operations within the local area.
Some of the functions the LECC's perform include;
- To provide relevant local information to the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG)/Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) to ensure that disaster management and disaster operations in the area are consistent with the State group's strategic policy framework for disaster management in the State;
- To help the LDMG prepare a local plan for the relevant areas;
- To prepare and advise the LDMG/LDC of the requirements for effective local disaster management and regularly review and assess the disaster management arrangements and procedures which are consistent with the Local Disaster Management Plan;
- To assist the LDMG in determining support services required to facilitate disaster management and disaster operations in the area;
- To assist in the dissemination of information from the LDMG to the community, regarding means of mitigating the adverse effects of an event and preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster;
- To provide reports and make recommendations to the LDMG/LDC about matters relating to disaster preparedness and operations;
- To identify local resources available for use by the LDMG/LDC for disaster operations in the area;
- To identify and review communications system in the area for use when a disaster happens;
- To ensure information about a disaster or major incident in the area is promptly given to the LDMG/LDC; and
- To perform functions as directed by the LDMG/LDC that is not mentioned in the points above