Water Release Notifications - FAQs

Water Release Notifications - FAQs
What is Callide Creek Water Release Notification?
Callide Creek Water Release Notification is a messaging service provided by Banana Shire Council, to people who reside on property adjacent to Callide Creek from Biloela to Goovigen, outside of the existing notification area covered by the dam operator. Council can send messages (SMS and/or email) to registered users about intended or possible water releases from Callide Dam when Council becomes aware of such releases.
Do I need to register to get messages?
Yes. Register to receive messages by subscribing through the Callide Creek Water Release Notification portal. You can then manage and update your own details. If you do not have an email address, contact Banana Shire Council.
When registering, the system tells me my email address already exists
You or a member of your family may already be registered with that email address.
- Check with others who use that email address;
- Use the forgotten password link – this sends an email to the registered address;
- Email your details (name, address and contact numbers) to enquiries@banana.qld.gov.au and we will investigate the matter for you.
I have forgotten my password for Callide Creek Water Release Notifications.
Use the forgotten password link to have your password reset. Your new password will be sent to your registered email address.
When will I receive messages?
Messages may be sent at any time of the day or night.
What will the message say?
The message will advise that the Gates of the Callide Dam have been opened or are intended to be opened for the purpose of releasing water from the Callide Dam.
How do I Update my contact details?
It is important to keep your contact details up to date. If you are registered online, simply log in to your account and update your details. Alternatively contact Council.
Will I get a message to advise if the gates to the Callide Dam have closed?
Banana Shire Council may advise you if the situation has changed and the gates are closed. Information may also be provided via Sunwater website www.sunwater.com.au local media outlets and social media. You are encouraged to monitor these services for information about the situation.
How much will it cost to receive a message?
There is no cost to register. This is a free service for people who reside on property adjacent to the Callide Creek and outside of the existing notification area provided by the dam operator.
Will I receive notifications away from home?
Yes. You will continue to receive notifications away from home if you have registered your mobile phone for SMS text messages. If your mobile phone has international roaming enabled, messages will be sent and received whilst you are overseas if your phone is turned on.
What if I don’t receive a notification message?
Every reasonable effort will be made to provide the notification to registered users of the system at the earliest opportunity however, Telecommunication networks may experience delays in the delivery of messages.
What if I don’t have a mobile phone or email, can I still receive notifications?
No. The delivery methods for notifications rely on access to mobile phone or the internet.
Do I need to register everyone in my household?
You may have more than one registration per household if required, however each person will require their own unique email address.
Can I opt out or Unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe at any stage by sending an email to enquiries@banana.qld.gov.au or by contacting Council. However Council encourages you to maintain your registration to stay informed.
How is my privacy protected?
Banana Shire Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of registering for Council’s Callide Creek Water Release Notifications. The collection of this information is authorised under the Local government Act 2009. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required to by law. For more information, see our privacy statement or privacy policy.